Monday, April 9, 2012

'Josh Hutcherson' talks about his chances of beating Edward and Bella @MTV Movie Awards!

Josh Hutcherson was recently interviewed and asked the million dollar questions. Does he think that his kiss (Peeta & Katniss) with co-start Jennifer Lawrence, will beat out Edward and Bella's in Breaking Dawn Part 1? Check out the video below to see what he had to say.. What do you guys think? Does the Hunger Games Kiss stand a chance against our favorites Edward and Bella? I say no, but I guess we'll have to wait and see!

 We’re still enjoying this little breather in between awards season madness and summer blockbusters, but our own Kate Spencer already has the MTV Movie Awards on her mind — specifically, the Best Kiss Golden Popcorn, which has been dominated by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson for three years now. When she got a minute with Hunger Games cutie Josh Hutcherson at the NewNowNext Awards, she gave him the toughest of tough questions: Will Katniss and Peeta’s cave kiss rival any of Bella and Edward’s from Breaking Dawn – Part 1?
“I don’t know, they had a great kiss,” he admitted. “Theirs was so passionate. Ours was like, I was on my deathbed, wasn’t very sexy. I don’t know, we’ll see. Maybe. I’d be so lucky. One can only hope.”

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