Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For U.S Fans attending Target's Sneak Peak of Part 2, Check this out! +Part 2 official Title!

U.S Fans, are you attending, or thinking of attending Target's midnight release of the Breaking Dawn DVD where they will be showing a sneak peak of part 2?? Well for those of you just "thinking" about it, think again! The official Facebook page for The Twilight Saga, has just released what the sneak peak will be about!! It will feature Edward and Bella in their new home (persumeabley the cottage) and Bella as a vampire for the first time!! How exciting? Are any of you attending? I know I am :) P,S They have also OFFICIALLY released the title for Part 2, Screenshot below of sneak peak info and new title! Enjoy!
And for my international fans, don't worry. I will try my best to record the sneak preview for you all and will have it posted as soon as I get home that night! I promise! :)

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