Thursday, February 2, 2012

Get the first 3 Twilight Movies (ALL 3) on iTunes now for on $24!!

 iTunes has an ongoing sale for your chance to get all 3 Twilight Movies. Including Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse for only $24! Buying them separately would be almost $20 more! Check out full info below!

iTunes currently has a deal on the first three Twilight Saga films (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) as a bundle! You can download the first three films bundled together in high definition for $23.97! Bought individually they would cost $39.99! Check out the great deals at iTunes: HD or SD.

Magazine Scans of Kristen's Vanity Fair Photoshoot 'Preview'

*NOTE* This is not the actual Vanity Fair Magazine, it is just a small report made by People Magazine.

Bel Ami to be shown at the Jameson Dublin Internation Film Festival in Ireland! +New Movie Poster

You lucky Ireland fans! If you get to see the movie, don't forget to let us know how good it was! The U.S doesn't have an official release date yet, boo. But I will keep all you U.S fans up to date with that information as soon as I can! :) (P.S check out this new Bel-Ami poster spotted at a movie theatre in Berlin)

'Bel Ami' will be shown at the Jameson Dublin International Film Festival or JDIFF 2012. It will be playing at Cineworld 17 at 8:50 pm on February 19th. Click HERE for tickets. View the Festival Program HERE

English Classroom in Brazil uses Robsten Biography to teach english language!

Check out the book scans below! 


Very Funny/Awesome New Breaking Dawn Part 1 Parody by the Hillywood Show! Check it out!

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